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2024-06 Family Day

22 June 2024

Family Day, B52 / Hagen

The beautiful weather arrived just in time for our family day. A perfect start to the summer!

On Saturday, we welcomed our employees and their families, as well as former colleagues, to the first family day at BURG in 10 years. The weather was perfect and there was good food, lots of conversation and plenty to discover and do - whether big or small. In addition to the factory tour with exciting insights behind the scenes at BURG and the customization of lunch boxes with a laser machine from production, there was an exciting program especially for the children. Creative minds had the opportunity to make bracelets or paint footballs, flower pots and fabric bags. For those who preferred something more active, there was a bouncy castle, soccer pitch and a bobby car race track.

We are delighted that the day was such a success and that we were able to welcome so many people!

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