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2023-10 B52.day Smart Buildings

26 October 2023

B52.day, Smart Buildings

The Fine Line | Smart Buildings - Between opportunities and acceptance problems

Ecologically and economically sustainable buildings and efficient facility management are only possible through the use of digital and networked technologies. They support management, create data-based opportunities for process optimization, provide important KPIs for reporting, and enable individual and demand-oriented usage scenarios. But what sounds so thoroughly positive is a shaky balancing act between technological feasibility and individual user acceptance. The needs and requirements of individual users must be taken into account and added value created that is comprehensible, understandable and acceptable to everyone.

Visit us at the B52.day and join us in the discussion "The fine line | Smart Buildings - Between possibilities and acceptance problems". On this day, we want to shed light on this topic with renowned speakers from scientific, manufacturer and user perspectives and: Where do we stand? What are our biggest hurdles and how do we overcome them? And what does the future look like?

Who is the event for? For decision-makers in facility management, real estate managers, contract furnishers, furniture manufacturers, technology partners in the areas of smart office and smart building, as well as members and partners of CoreNet Global and the SBIF (Smart Building Innovation Foundation).

We look forward to seeing you!

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