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2023-10 B52.day Review

26. Oktober 2023

Impressions of B52.day

Smart Buildings - How do you solve the balancing act between opportunities and acceptance problems?

An exciting and difficult question. On October 26th, we created an opportunity to examine this topic in depth. For the second "B52.day", we welcomed many guests and four expert speakers with exciting presentations. The speakers contributed their expertise and passion for smart building and provided fascinating insights into the future of building technology. From IoT integration to energy efficiency, these topics were discussed at length and provided a great opportunity to learn from the best in the industry.

Here is a brief insight into the presentations:

  • Frank Hermanns showed that the user-centricity of smart buildings is the decisive lever for reducing labor costs, which exceed construction and rental costs tenfold.
  • Benjamin Frisch reported on the important role that thorough frontloading with the customer plays in the acceptance and success of intelligent building projects.
  • Roland Schoenebeck explained how a company with 1,388 waste garbage cans was able to save almost 6 tons of plastic waste and 37 tons of CO2 by using networked smart waste solutions.
  • Dr. Wolfgang Voell showed how the integration of smart building data (in this example, the amount of waste) can be used to create forecasts and analyses that enable proactive sustainability management.

We are delighted with the discussions and exchanges moderated by Steffen Skopp (Deloitte). Many thanks to our great speakers and to everyone who participated in this inspiring day, especially CoreNet Global, Hailo Digital Hub, Mazars / Mazars in Germany, SBIF - Smart Building Innovation Foundation and Deloitte. Let's continue to work together to develop smarter building solutions.

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